Tuesday, February 26, 2008

20th thing 2/26/08

IS it over!!! To me there were good things and not so good things. There was not enough time to have a good learning experience. There was so much material in a short period of time. If you weren't familiar with some of the tools already it was dificult. After hearing so much negative in the news about blogs I never though I would have one. It was kind of fun setting it up. I have to say I had lots of help from staff who were more familiar with this sort of thing. On learning 2.0 with Technorati was interesting and surprising that it was so popular.Rollyo might have been interesting to me if I knew more about it.Wiki, Wiki was interesting. I would like to know more info about their information on the catalogue records.
If you want to get rid of something may I suggest Second Life.
I do not see how my work has benefited by the 20 things, but they could be if they were done one at a time by someone who could teach them. I have to admit I liked My space.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

19th thing Podcasts

I really like the setup we were shown about the Charlotte & Mecklenburg lilbrary. It looked good and seem to be user friendly and covered a lot of material. I choose to subscribe to the the N.Y. Times about book reviews. The downloading I thought was very slow(maybe that was just the internet.) I prefer to read about the reviews, not listen to them. I am probably in the minority with that. Would this be good for libraries. I don't know. I see it more for using at home.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

18th thing Web 02.0 Tools Feb /14./08

I chose Library thing. If you are looking for book titles you can find them here and can talk with people who share your interests. You can get to Google maps which I use often. You can also catalogue the books you put in from your private collection. You can use tags to get ideas about books that you are interested in.
I would suggest classes for patrons to learn the information to be able to use the sites.
I saw American Idol finalist listed on this and am listening to that.
Personally I would not use it very much, but I think others would.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

17th thing 2/6/08 on the road again.

http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dsb9csk_0c6sjrwgn For my web document.
I did a doucment on google doc and published to the web and to my blog.

17th thing Google doc

My name is Janet Carter and I work at Pamunkey Regional Library in Virginia.I have worked here for 21 years and am not looking forward to retirement. I have not planned for my activities when I am not working. If any one wishes to comment on what I could do feel free.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

16th thing Wiki,Wiki
I looked at the different web sites given. I even searched & find a small one for the Eastern Shore. I liked the subject guides and thought they would be valuable to the library. The idea of having the patrons join in more library things & give their opinions seems very good. Having a wiki for reviews of books appealed to me. Seeing these ideas demonstrated would make all this info much more clear. In one of the sites there was talk of having the library provide a good structure for the Wikis. I think that is very necessary. One thing that bothered me was the fact that anyone could put info on the Wiki if it's false. Maybe you would need an Editor. I would like more information on any Wiki where people worked on the catalog records.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

15th thing Second Life
I read the material and viewed several videos of second life. the first showed a man flying. The second one was of people dancing (that was called thriller)These people need to get a real life How about a real person to talk to. dance with, whatever.The virtual real estate seems futile to me. It wouldn't put a roof over your head.
Would Second Life be useful in the library. Not for me, but my grandson looks a pokomon( cards and tv) all the time so maybe his generation would. I can only hope not.
14th thing Library 2.0
It was interesting reading the changes that are expected to develop, but I have been going to the library since 1956 and I hate to have my cheese moved. However I know this must be done. I know that we have a lot of books that never get read and new technology is coming all the time. Also the idea of more information gotten from the patrons sounds workable. It sounds like we should be getting a full connextion with oclc for the sharing of records that was mentioned.
The new search from the North Carolina library looked good. Learning to do some of the special searching for the future sounds like a lot of classes for staff. I sure all the things will be wonderful, but gee I still listen to 50s music on the satellite radio.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Technorati 13

I explored searches through posts, blog and directory for "learning 2.0" on Technorati and they were all different. There were different hits on each category. The videocast would not play. This is a very popular site and it was surprising to see how many people make use of it. I got 13,393 hits on Elvis Presley through posts and 195 hits on the blogs.