Tuesday, December 18, 2007

#12th thing
I understand the main concept of this tag process , but I'm either having a bad day or this is the most difficult one we have had yet. I certainly will need a lot more help than the tutorial that I listened to to be able to use the Del.icio.us site that I tried to register with. There was not enough information to be helpful for me. Maybe the words social and unstructured turned me off. I would not be interested in this for my own use, but someone could probably help me use this in a work situation.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I signed up with Rollyo http://www.rollyo.com/easternshore/. I created a searchscroll regarding health and medicine. This is a good site for people who might do alot of research.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post #10

I chose the breast cancer awareness ribbon on the image generator called image chef found at www.imagechef.com.


Awareness Ribbons Customized - ImageChef.com

Monday, December 3, 2007

Feeds #9

I added Drop In Titles by Unshelved to my blog. This site is suppose to give information on brand new books before you can find it other places. I also added Unshelved which is comic strips about libraries. Some of these are good for a laugh!!